Trying out some "Calligraffiti" Type style with the word COMPOSE to see what I can come up with. Awhile ago I came across an artist named NIELS SHOE MEULMAN and was blown away by what he's been doing at:
Anyway, here are some of my first attempts at this style. I rather like it and know this is not as great as Niels, but hey it was my first time.
I've had the opportunity to concept and draw some germ characters over the past few years for various clients. It's been interesting to think I've been asked and paid to draw these creatures, but it's incredibly fun.
Something I'm working on from blue pencil sketch to final. I'm not sure where I'm going with this one, but I like the way it's looking. I like the idea and feel of the piece, so we'll just have to wait to see how it turns out in the end once some color is added to it. Stay tuned.